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Line logistics and play it? How can I play well!

Release date:2017-09-06 14:57:15


These days have come into contact with some of the cross-border green logistics friends, looks like many people have a very moist. Today, we come to talk about cross-border green logistics, look at the market today in the end what are playing?
1. The FBA of the pierows, how much joy is happier
With the Amazon FBA volume of the ever-increasing, all kinds of air + school model FBA line has been numerous. Many of the Amazon's seller mentioned a green line, a lingering fear. Although there are indeed many people out of the pit, but had to admit that the air pie FBA line model really make up for some of the current market vacancies.
Air dispatch line bear the brunt of the cheap. This is for the logistics costs accounted for the entire operating costs of up to 30% of the cross-border electricity sellers, it is quite tempting. Volume / 6000 for the Paohuo more cost-effective, more lethal is almost double tax package.

As the air dispatch line itself is a homogeneous competition product. The final competition or the price. Air freight would have to use cheapest flights for cheap flights. The destination port clearance fee to save the province, and some simply the whole board to a single single to declare, and deduct the risk greatly increased.

Reasonable price, the operation of the standard air-conditioned line will still be a market just need to be But now the market chaos, many prices down to the freezing point of what the package seems to have some of the composition of Bo luck.
The line pattern of the traditional wholesale market
Shuangqing tax line of the green model in the traditional trade in the history has been quite a long time. Guangzhou and Yiwu is the most typical of the two places. Commodity trade developed with a high concentration of wholesale markets. Attracting customers from around the world to come to purchase.
Each of the wholesale market around a group of freight forwarding, green company mostly. We are now seen to do more mature green market are mostly concentrated in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the new Matai and other countries.

Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, many have done this invention to the time, and the speed of domestic courier some fight. Southeast Asia, some countries of the land line is also a very mature development, such as Thailand, Vietnam and other countries.

India, Africa, the Middle East and other green market is also a large volume of amazing, dozens of tons of green companies a day is also common. In particular, a few years ago to do some mobile phone tablet a class of experts, harvest quite well.

Now with the rapid development of online shopping, Shenzhen Huaqiang North has long been lost in the past bustling. Guangzhou, a lot of 13 pavement is also Wang Pu transfer.

Deep changes in the trade model and the external economic environment of the downturn, directly for the traditional green logistics model caused a certain impact.
3, cross - border package line drip growth

In recent years with the speed of selling and Wish, Ebay and other business platform for the rapid development. The volume of cross-border parcels has grown rapidly. Although the traditional postal package cheap, timeliness is really worried. Although the commercial courier fast, high safety factor, but the price is indeed the general category of sellers are too much.
Then the price and time between the postal packet and commercial courier between the cross-border packet logistics, it is just to make up for the current market demand for this vacancy. In particular, many want to do a virtual overseas warehouse delivery of the seller, for high-quality green logistics is simply just need.

Although the various cross-border package line of the ultimate destination delivery channels are similar. Nothing less than three categories, postal network, the four major commercial express network, regional local delivery company. But can effectively reduce the cost, optimize the process and improve the timeliness through the effective volume gathering and the integration effect. The future is still a good growth space.

In a vertical market segment, the face of peer price war encirclement, may not be high profits. But a certain size and volume and market share will be converted into commercial value. There may be the industry giants fancy the subject matter. This is a successful path.
Industry labels and self - branding

Has a certain characteristics and for specific countries, high-quality green logistics, is the future needs of diversified customer demand, market segmentation trend of the product.
Four courier has four express delivery market, postal postal share. Everyone has their own way out.

Often encountered fans do not know their own company in the end what the core strengths, feel every day to see customers are to help the four courier endorsement.

Many times the customer knows the four courier, it is difficult to remember the name of a freight forwarding company. Said that some of the straightforward brand recognition is not clear and clear, it is difficult in the minds of customers impressed.

Fine fine grinding toward a specific market or country to force, to do a small and beautiful own line from the brand. One day customers have goods to be sent to a country, the first time thought is not the four courier, but your company name, prove that you already have their own industry labels and since the brand it!

"To create their own brands and channels," these words out simple, do boil boils also boil people. But also do not be afraid, after all, there are many people continue to spin in place, at least you have been on the road.

Took the first step is not afraid of the road far.

Freight forwarding, always on the road.

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